Finding the right care alarm.

Published: Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Picture of Brenda with a care alarmYou have a dilemma, you think you need a care alarm, whether for yourself or a family member. But what is the best care alarm to have? There are many options when it comes to care alarms on the market, but you want something that you know is going be robust and reliable for the loved ones in your life. 

You want something that's going be there when your loved one really needs it. When they fall, when they're stuck, when they have an issue, they need to call on somebody to be able to help them, and if they're not near a phone or they're not able to get to some sort of communication device, the care alarm is going to be the one thing that they rely on. 

So what does that look like? A care alarm can be many things. It can be a fall alarm, it can be a push button alarm. It can be a unit on the side in your house, it can be wearable so it’s there when you really need it. When looking at the solution you need, you need to find out what your requirements are and what your personal needs are for that care alarm. 

When you fall, are you going need somebody to come out to you? Are you going to need an instant response? Are you potentially going to need somebody to call an ambulance for you? What are the situations that you could think of that may happen? What are going be the scenarios that may occur that this care alarm is going to be useful for.

Look at all the care alarms on the market and find out what works best. Modern technology in care alarms is progressing fast. There are now care alarms like the GO!, that you can wear all the time, and work inside and outside your house wherever you are at the shops or gardening.

It’s about looking at your needs and your requirements and working out what works best for your particular situation. When you've identified this, it will become clearer what you need. Whatever your requirements, finding the most suitable equipment will allow you to have peace of mind that whatever might occur. 

Our friendly team at Nottingham On Call will always be there if you want to ask a few questions to see if a care alarm is right for you.