Assistive Technology - Changing Life for the Better
Published: Thursday, 13 July 2023
Assistive technology has been described as “a life changer – it opens the door to education for children with impairments, employment and social interaction for adults living with disabilities, and an independent life of dignity for older persons,” by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the chief of the World Health Organisation (WHO).
It is estimated that worldwide a staggering 2.5 billion individuals are in need of assistive technology to help them on a daily basis, and the new technological advances that are being made in the field play a valuable role in helping these individuals when it comes to being a little bit more independent and leading a rich and full life.
What is assistive technology?
As a phrase, assistive technology is used to refer to those systems or products that assist and support those individuals with restricted mobility, disabilities or any other impairments in order to perform those functions that may otherwise be impossible or difficult.
Examples of assistive technology include screen reading software, text-to-speech systems that use Optical Character Recognition (OCR), wheelchairs and walkers, and even pencil grips to allow pupils with gripping issues to hold pencils properly in school.
What new assistive technology are we seeing in the UK?
When it comes to new and innovative technology solutions, the UK is making a significant impact on the industry with solutions that are certainly worth celebrating. AI (Artificial intelligence) will no doubt bring huge advances in how this technology helps people in the future. For now, technology is still rapidly improving.
The Nottingham On Call ‘GO’ is a piece of equipment that wouldn’t have been possible 10 years ago. With a Mobile sim built into it. The ‘GO’ is wearable technology that enables you raise an alarm wherever you are. The GO! has been designed for the more active user. Just because someone is older, or more vulnerable, it doesn't mean they can't have their independence, which includes leaving the house.
Even home based Care Alarms have seen significant improvements in the past few years. Care alarms in the home used to be plugged into the home phone line. As most homes now have a broadband connection Care Alarms have progressed and can now be placed where ever you need them. A dramatic improvement, as the location of the home phone socket was not always the best location to have your Alarm.
Where ever technology goes, Nottingham On Call is dedicated to finding the best solutions. We will always pay attention to the latest innovations to make sure we're providing the best solutions to you and your family.
Nottingham On Call is committed to finding the best technological solutions to enable you to stay in your home longer. We will always ensure we suggest the best solutions for your particular needs.