Flashing Strobe

Used in conjunction with the vibrating pillow alert, this device is useful if you are hard of hearing. If it detects an alarm or smoke detector has been activated, it will set off a strobe light to alert you.

The Nottingham On Call Flashing Strobe is a specialised device designed to enhance safety and security, particularly in situations where visual alerts are necessary. Here are some of the benefits associated with this type of flashing strobe:

The primary benefit of the Nottingham On Call Flashing Strobe is its ability to provide a highly visible and attention-grabbing visual alert. The bright, flashing light is easily noticeable even in well-lit environments, making it an effective means of drawing attention to a specific event or situation.

 This device is especially useful for individuals who may have hearing impairments or who may not respond to traditional auditory alarms or alerts. The visual nature of the strobe ensures that people with different sensory needs can be alerted effectively.

 In emergency situations, such as fire alarms or medical emergencies, the flashing strobe can serve as an additional layer of warning. When integrated with a broader monitoring or alarm system, it can help ensure that occupants are quickly made aware of a potentially dangerous situation.

 The Nottingham On Call Flashing Strobe can be used in various settings, including homes, healthcare facilities, commercial buildings, and industrial environments. It can be integrated into different types of alarm and notification systems to suit specific needs.

In environments where minimizing noise pollution is a concern, such as healthcare facilities or quiet residential areas, visual alerts can be less disruptive than loud sirens or alarms. The flashing strobe allows for effective communication without adding to noise levels.

By providing a visual alert, the Nottingham On Call Flashing Strobe can enhance safety and reduce response times in critical situations. This can be crucial for the safety of individuals who may not hear auditory alarms or who need additional time to react.

This device can often be seamlessly integrated with existing alarm systems, security systems, or monitoring solutions, making it a cost-effective way to enhance safety without requiring a complete system overhaul.

The Nottingham On Call GO!

Temperature Sensor

Digital Care Alarm

Smoke Detector